December 26


Windows 7 Expiring

Windows 7 Expiring

December 26, 2019

Windows 7 Expiring
Windows 7 Expiring – image courtesy of Mendhak via Flickr at per

Windows 7 Expiring

Windows 7 was one of Microsoft’s best products. It was very stable and easy to work with. But, all good things come to an end, and Microsoft is discontinuing extended support in mid-January.

Windows 7 expiring means no more security updates.

Some of you may wonder what the big deal is – the computer works now, it should keep working even without updates. True, it may work, but you are exposing yourself to potential cyber attacks. Plus – do you have cyber insurance? If not, you should! If you do, read the policy and find out what the insurance company has to say about running an unsupported, or un-patched, operating system.

I’ve been in contact with my clients about upgrading, and it’s kept me busy for the last few months. Some people choose to do an in-place upgrade, others choose to replace the computer with a new one.  A new computer gives a nice boost in performance, plus of course, you get Windows 10 in the process.

Some clients still have a few systems running Windows 7.   If you are running my remote management agent, I will be in touch. If you are not, please reach out to me and we’ll get you up-to-speed.


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As always, whatever your interest, we welcome your inquiry.

14 Jan 2021: Post updated to include links to new company pages on Social Networks.

Mark Mullarky

President, Great Lakes Tech Services, LLC
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners

2607 N Grandview Blvd Suite 160E
Waukesha, WI 53188
Phone: 262.720.3668

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