Data Backup & Recovery Services
Data Backup & Recovery Services are one of our specialties.
When your services are well-managed – like they are when they’re part of our Managed IT Services – we work with you achieve thoughtful, cost-effective solutions. Backup and recovery services keep you out of crisis situations.
We offer a wide range of solutions, at price points that businesses can afford. Indeed, you can’t afford not to have these services in place. (See the costs of not planning for disaster below).
In many scenarios we recommend going beyond simple backup and recovery planning. Most of our solutions offer business continuity. See this story about the savings one of our clients enjoyed with a backup, recovery and business continuity solution.
We offer a *free technology review to help you intelligently assess your needs.
We can also arrange a free data backup & recovery / business continuity demonstration for you.
We can provide whatever level of service you require – from a single visit, to a fully-managed computer network. Give us a call. We’ll discuss your needs and goals, and how we can help you achieve those goals. The introductory meeting is always no-charge. Sometimes it takes two meetings. One for fact-finding. The second for recommendations.
Whatever your interests or concerns, please Contact Us or call 262-720-3668.
Costs of not planning for data backup and recovery:
70% of SMBs go out of business within a year of data loss.
Disaster Recovery Preparedness Benchmark. The State of Global Disaster Recovery Preparedness, Annual Report.
More than 40% of businesses impacted by a natural disaster never reopen.
Why Your Company Needs a Business Continuity Plan & Insurance Coverage by Brown Smith and Wallace LLC
The exact cost of downtime depends on company size: small companies lose approximately $8,581 per hour, medium companies $215,638 per hour; and large enterprises $686,250 for every hour of downtime.
Downtime and Data Loss: How Much Can You Afford? Aberdeen Group, 2013
58% of downtime incidents are caused by human error alone. Natural disasters account for only 10% of downtime.
Enterprise and the Cost of Downtime, Independent Oracle User Group, 2012
$1.7 trillion is lost globally through unplanned data loss and downtime.
EMC Global Data Protection Index
51% of IT buyers have experienced a malware attack.
Spiceworks IT Security Report, 2015.
45% of employees receive no cybersecurity training from their employers. CompTIA CyberSecure Report, 2015.
Attacks are spread out across the globe. However, the majority are located in North America and Europe.
● North America: 50%
● Europe: 35%
● AsiaPacific and Middle East: 7%
● Central America: 3%
● South America: 3%
● Africa: 2%
McAfee Labs
*We offer a free technology review when you are in our geographic market and you appear to be a good prospective client. No cost. No obligation.