In my last post, I urged Android users (all phone users, really) to go hands-free in their vehicles.
In this post, I’ll give you some Android voice commands to use with your Android (Google-type) phone. These are from Google’s Android site. To use these commands, you need to use the “Voice Search” app. Be careful at first… voice recognition has greatly improved, but test it first! Not all of these work on my phone.
Common Android Voice Commands
Send a text message
Say “Send text to [recipient] [message]”
Example: “Send text to John Smith Caught in traffic. I will be 10 minutes late.”
Listen to music
Say “Listen to [artist/song/album]”
e.g. “Listen to Black Keys”
Get directions
Say “Navigate to [address/city/business name]”
e.g. “Navigate to Milwaukee Market” or “Navigate to 123 Main Street”
Call contacts
Say “Call [contact name] [phone type]”
e.g. “Call John Smith on mobile”
Send email
Say “Send email to [recipient] [subject] [body]”
e.g. “Send email to John Smith Lunch Meeting John, are you available for lunch on Wednesday?”
View a map
Say “Map of [address/city]”
e.g. “Map of Oconomowoc”
Go to websites
Say “Go to [website]
e.g. “Go to CNN”
Write a note
Say “Note to self [message]”
e.g. “Note to self Order USB to serial adapter”
Search Google
Say “[your query]”
e.g. “Pictures of Plymouth Dusters”
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14 Jan 2021: Post updated to include links to new company pages on Social Networks.
Mark, what a great public safety announcement this is! I didn’t know some of these-thanks!